Friday, February 1, 2013

How important will be of China for Apple ?

Apple executives Cook for three consecutive years to visit China, showed a strong interest in this market, and attach great importance to. When it comes to competition in the Chinese market, he said, consumers around the world, regardless of cultural background, love the best products, "I believe that they are like their lives easier, better Apple products. "
He briefly reviewed the Apple key performance in 2012, that of the "incredible year", especially in recent months is the history of the most prolific phase. Turning to the Mainland Chinese consumers to buy Apple's new product time lag problem, Cook said, the time of time of Apple products in the Chinese market and other markets is narrowing. Apple and the Chinese authorities in their efforts to further narrow this gap, "I hope that China could become the first, and I hope we can do it".
In talking about the possibility of Apple to release new products in China, Cook said: "I am happy to see, because the Chinese market is very important."
But he declined to comment on the emerging markets of China and other low-cost iPhone rumors Apple may launch
On Foxconn issues, Cook said, Apple all of its suppliers have raised a very strict code of conduct, should the contrary, Apple terminated its cooperation. Apple audit-depth production chain to ensure that people comply with these guidelines. In addition, Apple has also focused on the implementation of the concept can change people's lives, such as education. At this point, Apple on equal treatment of all suppliers.
He said: "We are deeply concerned to contact every one of the employees of Apple products, whether he is a producer, salesperson or service provider."
Apple company currently employs 80,000 people, more than 41 billion U.S. dollars in fiscal year 2012 net income, although the share price has experienced fluctuations, still the world's highest market capitalization company.

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